Sunday, June 17, 2012


If this is your first visit to our blog, the volume of material here may make it hard to know where to start.  To help with that, we’ve prepared this list of major series and stand-alone posts with descriptions to help you find the material most helpful to you.

Descriptions and Analysis of the Events at Takoma Park

The Epic, Pts. 1-85
September 30, 2008 – May 20, 2012

A detailed, step-by-step account of the events at the Takoma Park Seventh-day Adventist Church, from the factors that precipitated the change in governance and how the change was accomplished to the lasting effects on the congregation

Paul Borden Report
September 30, 2008

The document that started the trouble

“Code of Ethics”
June 26, 2009

A policy document introduced by the pastors to control the lay leadership

“Code of Ethics” Analysis
July 9, 2009

Exactly what it sounds like—an analysis of the “Code of Ethics”

To Keep It Holy
December 28, 2009

A look at whether it’s appropriate to hold church business meetings on Sabbath

Sins of the Conference Pts. 1-5
September 30, 2009 – March 1, 2010

A detailed look at how the Potomac Conference mishandled the appeals process

Double Take
April 5, 2010

Analysis of the presentation made by Takoma Park’s senior pastor to the Potomac Conference Executive Committee

Us and Them
July 16, 2010

A consideration of appeal protocols and authority within the Adventist Church

Letter and Spirit
September 17, 2010

Analysis of how the Executive Committee’s recommendations were handled by Takoma Park’s pastors

A Look at the History of Adventist Governance

Our Roots, Pts. 1-48
January 23, 2009, November 10, 2010 – November 6, 2011

An exploration of the history of Adventist governance, the principles behind it, and how the present system of organization came to be
The Lessons from Our Roots
January 28, 2011

A highlight of the attitudes with which the founders of the Adventist Church approached the concept of formal organization

The Principles of Organization
March 2, 2011

A list of the principles embodied in the original form of organization adopted by the Adventist Church

Principle Over Form
July 1, 2011

A look at how the original organizational principles continued to be central in the reorganization of 1901

Conclusions from Our Roots
November 13, 2011

The take-aways of how this history lesson applies to the present reorganization attempts embodied in the Growing Healthy Churches Initiative

Gospel Order, Pts. 1-8
November 20, 2011 – January 29, 2012

An article series published in the Review and Herald in 1909 in response to attempts to change the organization of the Adventist Church in ways not endorsed by the Spirit of Prophecy

Examinations of the Philosophies and Strategies of the Healthy Church Initiative

Bullseye: (14 Posts)
April 12, 2010 – June 11, 2010

The church growth philosophies of Paul Borden form the core of the Growing Healthy Churches (GHC) Initiative.  This series examines those philosophies as laid out in Borden’s book, Hit the Bullseye.

Structure vs. Evangelism
October 8, 2008

GCH contends that present Adventist governance structures impede local evangelistic potential.  Is this contention valid?

How does the new structure work?
October 19, 2008

The nuts and bolts of the altered governance system at Takoma Park

Appearances: Obedience is Better than “The Healthy Church Initiative”
April 24, 2009

A perspective on following our own bright ideas vs. the expressed will of God

Hoarded Authority
March 25, 2011

An unmasking of the power play behind GHC

Responses to Issues Raised by Commenters

Fairness…But With Honesty, Pts. 1-8
October 6, 2009

A response to varied accusations made by an anonymous commenter 

In His Own Eyes
January 7, 2010

An examination of whether the Church Manual is mandatory or merely a guideline 

The Enormous Tiny Word
November 13, 2009

An examination of if and how the counsel of Matthew 18 applies to public church policy disputes 

Examinations of Other Issues that came up Along the Way

The Lord’s Anointed, Pts. 1-3
November 17, 2009 – December 4, 2009

Does the biblical counsel to “touch not the Lord’s anointed” mean that lay members cannot voice disagreement with their pastors? 

Church Discipline, Pts. 1-3
October 4, 2010 – October 13, 2010

Is church discipline warranted when members disagree over matters of church policy?

What is Unity?
April 18,2009

Does the maintenance of church unity require uniformity of thought and action?   

What is Unity? (conclusion)
April 24, 2009

A continuation of What is Unity?

January 22, 2010

Is change a good thing or a bad thing? 

The Right Way
February 1, 2010

How the Church Manual says local church governance ought to operate

What Has Been Done All Along
July 21, 2010

Does the General Conference overreach its authority by what it stipulates in the Church Manual?

Because God Said Not To
November 29, 2010

Why not borrow good ideas from other denominations?

December 11, 2011

A list of indicators of apostasy within the Church

General Material

Advice from the Spirit of Prophesy, Pts.1-37  
September 28, 2008 – May 6, 2012

Collections of statements made by Ellen White which pertain to the assorted subjects addressed in this blog

A Word From New Zealand
April 29, 2009

An account of what happened in an Adventist congregation in New Zealand when they adopted the church growth philosophies of Paul Borden 

How to get a Church Administrator’s Attention
July 25, 2011

Tips for bringing a local problem to the attention of church administrators in a way that will make them sit up and take notice

Parts of the Whole
February 12, 2012

A look at the relationship between the individual member and the church body, specifically considering whether a member should shut up or speak up when they disagree with the actions of church leaders

The Tools of Upper Management
March 11, 2012

What administrators from the higher levels of the Church can and cannot do to address local problems