Sunday, September 28, 2008


Shortly after Paul Borden visited our church, some of us began to research Borden's organization, Growing Healthy Churches, as well as others who pushed the same type of church structural model, i.e., Ric Warren, Bill Hybels, etc.

Frankly, it just didn't make sense. If we had failed to effectively evangelize, thank you for the guidance. Teach us to the way of Jesus. But why do we have to ignore our Church Manual to evangelize?

The model we were being "lead" to would eliminate a democratic SDA form of rule for a pastoral autocracy. Obviously, there were a number of quotes form Ellen G. White warning us of the error of this kind of rule. But this just felt wrong on the gut level.

As we researched, we ran accross an article from Elder Jay Galimore, President of the Michigan Conference. Here's the link: There are also other books by Elder Tom Mostert, "Hidden Heresy," and Elder Richard O'Ffil, "Lord Save My Church."

We are having a technical problem uploading the report presented to us by Paul Borden. As soon as we can figure it out, we will put the entire report here.

May God Bless.

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