Friday, September 24, 2010

The Epic, Pt. 81

Late in November 2009 Brother G and Elder Ramirez crossed paths and the conversation turned to conditions at Takoma Park. Brother G told Elder Ramirez how the situation had gotten worse rather than better. Later (on November 24, 2009), Brother G sent Elder Ramirez an email to document the exchange.

“Dear Jorge,

“I trust this letter will find you and your family well and enjoying your vacation.

“At our last meeting you had asked how the Takoma Park church was progressing. Sadly, there is no good news.

“After the Executive Committee recommendation, we refrained from further action to see what changes would be made. Unfortunately, it seems that Alan took this as a sign of victory. The new list of church officers, the majority picked by Alan, is further proof of his statement to eliminate those people that had opposed him.

“For over two years we have prayed and worked to stop the decline of the membership of the Takoma Park church. The Conference must address these issues, so that our church can return to its former glory and be a witness to the community.

“With God’s blessings,
“[Brother G]”

About a week later (on November 30, 2009) Elder Ramirez wrote back.

“[Brother G],

"Thank you for your update. I will share this with Bill, and take the necessary steps to revisit this issue. Have a blessed day.

“Jorge A. Ramirez”

We don’t know what Elder Ramirez deemed to be the “necessary steps,” but we have yet to discern any intention on the part of the Potomac Conference to revisit the issue and address the ongoing impediments to improvement in the conditions at Takoma Park.

Next: Discordant


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