Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Epic, Pt. 15

Many things happened in the month that followed the first ministry board meeting. First, the church office sent copies of the “Code of Ethics” to all the members of the ministry board who had not been present at the first meeting. Most of the absent members were elders, since it had not been well publicized that all elders were considered members of the ministries board. Second, it was noised around that the “Code of Ethics” was prepared by the North American Division. This was a claim we found extremely hard to believe. We decided to verify it.

“Elder B” called NAD to ask who she should speak to regarding verifying whether a particular document had been produced by NAD. She was transferred to the assistant for Roscoe Howard, who was at that time the Secretary of NAD. Upon hearing what was wanted the assistant told Elder B that if she wanted them to look at the document she should sent it to them, which Elder B did. Upon reviewing the document, and without any direct conversation with any member of Takoma Park to color his perspective, Elder Howard wrote this letter in response:

“March 25, 2008

“Dear [Elder B]:

“As I read over the documents you sent, I was very concerned over the general direction the church is shifted toward. This is not the Church governance that has been established by the World Church or the North American Division. I would direct you to the Church Manual on page 26 which speaks of a representative form of church governance where the local church membership has ultimate authority for all church business.

“The Church Manual is also clear as to the authority of the Church Board. It does not have the authority to make major decision without the consent of the church in Business Session. The board is subject to the church in Business Session at all times. Any decision the board makes cam be overturned by the church in Business Session. The church members in Business Session have the final say as to how the church will conduct business.

“This document seems to be moving away from the basic primes. I could not support this form of church governance nor would the General Conference. It is a far departure of how the Seventh-day Adventist church does business. I could write much more and quote many policies but I wanted to give you a quick response.

“In His Service;

“Roscoe J Howard III
North American Division Secretary”

It doesn’t take a detective to deduce from this letter that not only did NAD not have any part in creating the “Code of Ethics,” they didn’t want to touch it with a ten-foot pole. The Group found this very enlightening, but decided not to confront the pastoral staff with this letter at the April ministry board out of respect and a desire not to embarrass them unduly.

When the ministry board met in April 2008 discussion of the “Code of Ethics” resumed. Elder B, who had been one of the elders not present at the first meeting, was the first to be recognized. She questioned Pastor DeSilva regarding the attendance policy, pointing out that under it she already had one mark against her for having been absent at the previous meeting simply because she didn’t know she was supposed to be present. Pastor DeSilva’s response was shocking, “Oh no, no, I never said anything like that [the attendance policy]. See, this is why you shouldn’t listen to what other people tell you about what happens in meetings.” Friends, the attendance policy was written in the very document he was asking us to vote on. In the previous meeting he had read it aloud and verbally reiterated it. Yet when he perceived that it might not be a popular statement he told a bold-faced lie to the entire leadership of the congregation denying he had ever uttered it rather than defend an unpopular position!

Next to be recognized was the head of the communications department. She objected to item 12 in the Suggestions for Effectiveness for roughly the same reasons as were outlined in the Analysis. When she pointed out that this policy would prevent the reconsideration of bad decisions Pastor DeSilva, supported by the chairman of the finance committee, immediately stated that no such thing would happen. Any decision could be revisited at any time, Pastor DeSilva reassured. (This also turned out to be a lie, as will be demonstrated later.)

Elder B was recognized again. She asked Pastor DeSilva about the assertion that had gone around that the “Code of Ethics” was coming from the North American Division. Pastor DeSilva stated that it was absolutely true. Elder B expressed doubt about this and asked to see the documentation of this as an official statement from the North American Division. Pastor DeSilva stated that it was up in his office and that he didn’t want to delay the meeting. At this several attendees voiced a willingness to wait while he retrieved the evidence. Pastor DeSilva hedged again, stating that he couldn’t remember off-hand where in his office he had put it. Again willingness was expressed to wait while he looked. At this Pastor DeSilva flat out stated that he wasn’t going to go get it and that we were just going to have to trust him that the evidence did exist. (In other words, he had just told his third bold-faced lie to the leadership of the church in the space of about half an hour and chose to bluster through it rather than admit anything when called on it!) To this decidedly unsatisfactory answer Elder B bluntly stated that she did not believe Pastor DeSilva.

Pastor Fuentes, Takoma Park’s Pastor for Discipleship and Assimilation, chose that moment to start heckling Elder B. He reprimanded her for saying such a thing because she was accusing the pastor of lying and that if she was going to do so that she had to produce proof. Thinking of Elder Howard’s letter and the Group’s decision not to bring it up at that meeting she stated simply that she would do so at another time. This didn’t satisfy Pastor Fuentes and he continued to push her. Elder B stood up and turned around to speak to Pastor Fuentes face to face, because he was seated behind her. Pastor Fuentes exploded. His exact words were, “You don’t talk to me like that! I’m a pastor! SIT DOWN!” Elder B chose instead to pick up her belongings and walk out of the room.

The entire meeting was in shock at this outburst from Pastor Fuentes. Someone suggested that the meeting be stopped for a prayer to refocus the proceedings. After the prayer the vote on the “Code of Ethics” was eventually taken. It passed.

Next: The Almighty Dollar


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