Friday, January 8, 2010

The Epic, Pt. 51

The proposal from Pastor DeSilva was sent through Elder Ramirez on February 9, 2009, at 5:40 pm.

“Dear [Brother G],
“Below is the proposal submitted to you and the group by pastor Alan DeSilva during our last meeting. Please review it prayerfully and submit your response to him in writing, with copy to me. I pray this is the beginning of a new day in the life of the Takoma Park church.


“Jorge A. Ramírez

“Pastor DeSilva submits the following proposal for discussion and as a possible solution to the disagreement between current church leadership and a group of members of the Takoma Park church, on the present governess structure:

“‘To add the support and accountability board as part of the church ministries board, as showed in a flow chart.’

“This pr oposal is subject to the following conditions:

“1. Proposal does not in any way suggest that the current governess structure has been outside the boundaries of the church manual.

“2. This proposal is subject to discussion and final approval from the Takoma Park church in business session.”

On February 15, 2009 at 5:49 pm Brother G sent the requested response to Pastor DeSilva. He began with the meeting synopsis. Next he acknowledged having received Pastor DeSilva’s proposal and stated that the Group had some objections to it. Finally, he requested that the meeting Elder Ramirez had stipulated as the next step in the process—the one with 2-3 people from each side—be set up so that we could explain our concerns with the proposal.

Next: Too Narrow


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