Monday, November 16, 2009

The Epic, Pt. 42

In early November of 2008 two couples got up during the announcements one Sabbath and declared that they were the new leaders of the family ministries and social departments. This came as quite a surprise because the leadership positions they were claiming were supposed to be elected positions. There had been no report from the standing nominating committee, no vote from the church, yet here they were assuming the titles. We could only conclude that Pastor DeSilva, in yet another act of dictatorship, had placed them in these positions by executive order.

To be clear, we have nothing against these individuals personally. To the best of our knowledge they are fine, upstanding Christians who have done their best to fulfill the responsibilities of the positions they were placed in, but ends do not justify means. Pastors do not have the right to make political appointments. For Pastor DeSilva to have done so is an insult to the congregation’s right to make those decisions.

Next: Choosing Values


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