September 8, 2008
We want to thank the pastor, staff, leaders and congregation of the Takoma Park church for the opportunity to consult with you. We found people open and willing to share with us in an honest and forthright manner. All the information we asked for was provided. It is our hope that God will use this report to strengthen His mission for this congregation in this community.
1 Senior Pastor: Pastor Alan DeSilva is to be commended for his leadership of this congregation. His ability to lead for over eleven years is rare for most pastors and for this congregation in its recent history. We heard on numerous occasions that he is both compassionate in relationships and has the ability to motivate well. People also respect his ability to proclaim God's Word with conviction. He is poised to lead this congregation for a second decade.
2. Resources: The Takoma Park church has a unique place in Adventist heritage having served as the General Conference Church. It continues today in a strategic location with the potential to serve the diverse city in which it resides. Its ability to impact the community with its resources is only limited by its ability to dream. The financial stability due to the faithful giving of its members is to be commended. The congregation also should be commended for its well kept facilities.
3. Diversity: The Takoma Park church's membership is as diverse as the community it serves. We see this as a great strength in reaching out to the surrounding areas. Those from different racial and ethnic heritages who visit are often able to experience a sense of connection by seeing people of similar backgrounds. This diversity is also a testimony to what the true Body of Jesus Christ really is.
4. Musical Excellence: The Takoma Park church is passionate about excellence in music. The congregation has invested many dollars in both the key musical instruments and those who lead music in worship. Though failing to meet the musical preferences of different groups of people within the Body, the congregation does insist on excellence in presentation.
5. Heritage: The Takoma Park church has a long history of serving as the General Conference/Review and Herald church. The relationship with these Adventist institutions has enabled this congregation to minister prominently for over a century. The foundation for great and effective ministry in the future is in the hands of this generation if they will step up to God's mission for His Church.
1. Great Commission: The consistent making of new disciples through the life and ministry of Takoma Park church has been missing for a number of years. This congregation has been disobedient to the command of Jesus Christ to "go and make disciples".
2. Mission/Vision: This congregation has no clear outward focused mission to do what Jesus Christ demands. This has been proved in part by the team repeatedly asking people what the mission of Takoma Park is and being given no clear consistent response. It has been articulated by the pastor and other leaders that there is no vision. This makes sense since there is no clear mission.
3. Structure: The current structure of this congregation inhibits growth and the accomplishment of a compelling mission and an exciting vision. Authority is separated from responsibility and no one is held accountable.
4. Leadership: The development of leaders has not been a value of the congregation and therefore has not been practiced. The focus has been more on organization and management and as a result leadership has been neglected.
5. Assimilation: The intentional assimilation of new people into the congregation is not being done. There are no systemic processes for reaching out to new people and helping them become mobilized in ministry.
1 Great Commission: The Senior Pastor and the Vice-President of Pastoral Ministry for the Potomac Conference will facilitate the staff, boards and congregation in a Sabbath of fasting and prayer. The purpose of the Day of Prayer and Fasting is two-fold. First, he will lead the congregation in prayers of confession asking God to forgive them for failing to fulfill His Great Commission to the Church. After these collective prayers have been offered any issues between believers that have not been resolved in a Biblical manner will also be offered up to God for confession and forgiveness. After this day, no one will be allowed to speak of any hurt in the past by anyone in the congregation. This will be a day to experience the freedom of being released from bitterness and resentment that comes for not confronting one another in a Biblical manner.
The second purpose of this day is to have the congregation ask God to give them a heart of compassion for those in the community the congregation serves who do not now have a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. Also, the leaders and people will pray for a God given vision to see their community changed.
This day will occur by December31, 2007.
2. Mission/Vision: It is understood that if this report is accepted by Takoma Park church that at that point the mission of this congregation is inward and outward with the primary focus being outward. This means that Takoma Park church exists to honor God by making more disciples for Jesus Christ. The pastor and leaders will begin a mission audit. The purpose of this audit is to evaluate how each ministry of the congregation helps to make new disciples for Jesus Christ. Any ministry that does not do this must either be changed or discarded. This audit will be completed by August 31, 2008.
The Senior Pastor and Vice-President of Pastoral Ministry will lead the congregation through an envisioning day. The purpose of this day is to get the congregation to focus outward. Following that day the pastor and a few other leaders will draft a vision statement. The envisioning day will occur by January 26, 2008. The new vision statement will be drafted by February 16, 2008.
3. Structure: It is understood that if this report is accepted the congregation will adopt a staff led structure. The new structure will marry responsibility, authority and accountability. In this new structure staff members will be held accountable for specific and measurable goals. They will also be given the freedom and protection to meet those goals. The overview of the new structure will be presented to the congregation by the Potomac Conference on October 6, 2007.
4. Leadership: The church will pay for the senior pastor to engage a coach to help him become the leader of a missional congregation that has a vision to reach many new disciples in the community. The pastor will also recognize that one of his major responsibilities, along with his staff, will be to develop leaders in the congregation. The pastor and his new board will visit four congregations that are growing by making new disciples on a regular and consistent basis. The coach will be engaged by January 1,
2008. The four visits will be concluded by August 31, 2008. The pastor, staff and board will attend the Hit the Bullseye conference in Ohio in April 2008.
5. Assimilation: The church needs to implement an assimilation process that tracks new people until they become mobilized in ministry. This process needs to be overseen by someone on the pastor's staff. This person will be responsible for greeters, ushers, networkers, etc. The assimilation person and the pastor's staff need to find a solution to the parking problem by June 30. 2008. The assimilation person needs to be in place by January 1, 2008.
The church will vote on this report as a whole to accept or reject by Oct. 13, 2007
We wish to thank you for the opportunity to consult with the congregation of Takoma Park church. We believe your best days are ahead of you if you engage in God's mission for His Church.
Dr. Paul D. Borden
Dr. Ray Pichette
Pastor Glen Altermatt