Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Paul Borden Report , Part II

Immediately below is the report for which the Takoma Park Chuch paid $6000. I could go into detail about how the church board was talked into to it, or how long it took for the pastor to tell the church board that Dr. Paul Borden was not an SDA, or the way the report was originally received by the church officers, and how the church rallied against the report in 3 of 4 "Town Hall Meetings." At the second, btw, the opposition was so great that the senior pastor, in fustration announced, "All right. If you all don't want to adopt this part of the report, fine, we won't. But we will have evangelism, and diversity in music." He later announced to "selected" church officers that we would have to go ahead and have a vote because "...this is what the report said we have to do and if we don't there could be legal ramifications..." I kid you not. That's actually what he said. Using that logic, I could never paint the deck on the back of my house because the contractor who built the deck would sue me!

Anyway, please read the report below and come to your own conclusions. Feel free to ask questions if you like .


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