Sunday, September 28, 2008

Advice from the Spirit of Prophesy, Pt. 1

The Spirit of Prophesy is very clear about church order and governance and the proper use of power by church officials. Below is just a sampling of the advice available on the topic:

"Do not pervert your pastoral power into despotism over your flock.--The minister is not to rule imperiously over the flock entrusted to his care, but to be their ensample, and to show them the way to heaven. Following the example of Christ, he should intercede with God for the people of his care till he sees that his prayers are answered. Jesus exercised human and divine sympathy toward man. He is our example in all things. God is our Father and Governor, and the Christian minister is the representative of His Son on earth. The principles that rule in heaven should rule upon earth; the same love that animates the angels, the same purity and holiness that reign in heaven, should, as far as possible, be reproduced upon earth. God holds the minister responsible for the power he exercises, but does not justify His servants in perverting that power into despotism over the flock of their care" (Testimonies to the Church, Vol.4, pp. 267, 268).

"God has not set any kingly power in the Seventh-day Adventist Church to control the whole body or to control any branch of the work. He has not provided that the burden of leadership shall rest upon a few men. Responsibilities are distributed among a large number of competent men" (Testimonies to the Church, Vol. 8, p. 236).

"God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. The selfishness that exalts one man to rule the minds of his fellow men is not inspired of God; for the Lord works in and through those who will be worked by Him, and who in every line of Christian service will act in accordance with divine enlightenment" (Spalding and Magan Collection, p. 247).

I hope to add more choice quotes and begin a full chronology of the events so far at Takoma Park as time allows.


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