Friday, September 11, 2009

The Epic, Pt. 24

After several weeks of fruitless waiting for a response to our letter to Elder Miller (and even longer since Pastor DeSilva had promised that the conference president would come and straighten the whole matter out) we decided to write a second letter putting a somewhat finer point on the matter and specifically requesting a response.

“June 6, 2008

“Dear Elder Miller:

“On May 14, 2008, I sent you a chronological resume of the disruptive events now taking place in the Takoma Park Church vis-à-vis adherence to the Church Manual in the local church governance or to following the new present Pastor/CEO structure. We are most desirous of having these issues resolved in harmony with God’s will.

“Because my letter did not specifically request a response from you, I am now humbly requesting a response so that these issues may be resolved.

“The Takoma Park Church members have not officially heard from Potomac Conference leadership. Our request is that we wish to know the Potomac Conference leadership’s official position regarding the eradication of the Church Board and the establishment of a new structure, Pastor/CEO, which was announced at the Business Meeting, Sunday April 27, 2008. We oppose this type of governance because it is contrary to SDA Church polity, policies, and the Church Manual. However, if we are incorrect in our position, we want Conference leadership to so inform us in written correspondence so that we can communicate that message without equivocation or misunderstanding. Should we not be mistaken in our interpretation, we would want to be sustained by the Conference in our position for the sake of unity. Written communication is needed so that the message will be clear and remove any doubt as to what is the correct position for the entire church’s edification.

“Because Pastor Alan DeSilva repeatedly said that the present Takoma Park governance system is approved and came for the NAD, we inquired and received letters from the North American Division and the General Conference indicating that his assertions are not correct. The letters were denounced by the Pastor. Consequently, many Takoma Park members are still afraid to voice their concerns. Therefore, you intervention in this matter is highly desirous and welcomed. If we are wrong in our conclusions, inform us in writing. If, however, we are correct in our opposition to the present Takoma Park Church governance, we would appreciate your informing us by letter. By so doing, we all shall avoid misunderstanding and misquoting one another’s oral assertions.


“[Elder B]
“Designated Communicator”

Next: A New Door


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