In this meeting Pastor DeSilva announced that there was a new organization chart. He described the alterations as just a little “tweaking.” He did not even bother to pass out copies during the meeting, but rather announced that they could be picked up from the front table after the meeting if anyone wanted a copy. The matter didn’t even manage a mention in the official minutes of the meeting, much less receive official approval by the congregation in a vote. This is a shame because one of the “tweaks” was actually rather significant. (It will be explained in detail in the accompanying post, “The New Chart.”) The new chart is included below. (The writing on this copy of the chart was done by Pastor DeSilva. He was trying to "explain" it to a member of the Group because he was convinced that the only reason she objected to it was because she didn't understand it. For the record, the explanation didn't change her mind.)

The final item of significance in this business meeting was what Pastor DeSilva introduced as being the “final word” on the dispute over the appropriateness of the new governance structure. He claimed to have a letter from Elder Miller which settled the matter once and for all and that he was going to read the letter and then the issue would be forever closed. He read a document. He did not offer to distribute it or give any opportunity for anyone to ask for it.
For the sake of convenience we will fast-forward several months and give you the rest of this letter’s story now. At the next business meeting a member of the Group asked as part of matters arising from the minutes that the letter be included as part of the minutes of the June meeting. Pastor DeSilva agreed to this. By the following meeting, however, it still had not been done. The Group member continued to ask at each successive business meeting and each time it was promised but not delivered. Finally, at the business meeting held on May 17, 2009, Pastor DeSilva declared that the letter had been read as part of the devotion in the June 29, 2008 meeting, and so didn’t really belong in the minutes. (This was yet another lie. The official minutes of this meeting put out by the church list the reading of this letter as the seventh item of business discussed—which was in no way connected to the devotion.) He further declared that it wasn’t actually a letter; it was an email and was privileged communication that he couldn’t release without the permission of Elder Miller. He did state, as a magnanimous concession, that if the Group member wished to see it the office manager had a copy which she could review. The Group member lost no time securing the offered copy from the office manager.
It is the opinion of the Group that Pastor DeSilva placed this message in the public domain when he presented it to the congregation as evidence. We are decidedly less than convinced that it constitutes the final word on the subject, but since it was presented as such we believe that it ought to be included in this chronicle of events for the sake of having a complete record. The one disclaimer we ought to offer is that there was enough of a time lapse between the original hearing of the message and when it came into our possession that we cannot absolutely guarantee that it is the same thing as was presented in the June 2008 meeting, and there are some among us to whom it doesn’t seem quite right. In any case, this is what was given to us.
“Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 3:23 PM
“Good afternoon. Been praying for your meeting coming up Sunday morning that my understanding is a business meeting to continue the process of casting vision for what God truly wants for the Takoma Park Congregation.
“As you and I have talked on many occasions as to the direction that God has called this body, I want to affirm the direction that I understand that you are taking.
“1. You are maintaining a strong commitment to a representative form of church governance within the latitude that the church manual allows
“2. Your understanding of staff lead congregation does not in anyway imply control or manipulation. Staff led congregation is that the role of the pastor and the staff are to equip, empower, cast vision, encourage, and “come along side” those actively engaged in ministry and those who need encouragement in ministry
“3. That your understanding of accountability is not dictatorial in nature, not controlling in nature, nor manipulative in nature, but rather an agreed upon direction of strategic planning that engages ministry to be focused on your community (majority of time) and congregation (minority), recognizing that the best form of congregational nurture is reaching out to others. You will evaluate and address issues as needed in a Christ like manner, so that the mission of the church can move forward
“4. That you will follow the mission that God has called you, the church to do--“Go make disciples.” (Church Manual p.90-92). Also as the church manual quotes from the Pen of Inspiration-- “Everyone who has received Christ is called to work for the salvation of his fellow men.” AA121 And also from the DA “There are many who need the ministration of loving Christian hearts. Many have gone down to ruin who might have been saved if their neighbors, common men and women, had put forth personal effort for them. Many are waiting to be personally addressed. In the very family, the neighborhood, the town, where we live, there is work for us to do as missionaries for Christ. If we are Christians, this work will be our delight. No sooner is one converted than there is born within him a desire to make known to others what a precious friend he has found in Jesus. The saving and sanctifying truth cannot be shut up in his heart. {DA 141.3}
“Alan, I look forward to working with the Takoma Park Church. We will rally whatever resources we might be able to, to assist you in reaching your community for eternity. We all believe that Jesus is coming soon and we want to be both faithful and fruitful stewards of His vineyard.
“A fellow disciple on the journey…
“Bill Miller
“President Potomac Conference”
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