Monday, September 7, 2009

The Epic, Pt. 23

Takoma Park has a celebrity member. I don’t mean a Hollywood type or a professional athlete. This is a church celebrity—Elder Matthew Bediako, Secretary of the General Conference. (For anyone reading this who might not know, that makes him the number two most powerful person in the Seventh-day Adventist World Church.)

Up to this point in the dispute Elder Bediako had not made any public statements one way or the other and Pastor DeSilva had claimed that his silence was a token of support. This argument was having a lot of sway with many in the church, and the Group became concerned about the way Elder Bediako’s influence was being used for him, particularly since we had heard privately from reliable sources (such as his wife) that he was very troubled by the changes. It occurred to the Group that given his busy travel schedule word might not have caught up with Elder Bediako that Pastor DeSilva was claiming to have his endorsement, so the Group wrote him the following letter asking that he publicly declare his position one way or the other and end the confusion about his stand.

“May 16, 2008

“Dear Elder Bediako,

“We are writing to you regarding the present disturbance at the Takoma Park Church over the recent change in organizational structure. As you know, this change is contrary to the form of local church governance mandated by the Church Manual. The fact that this change has been successfully muscled through sets a terrible precedent at a time when the entire conference is being pushed by conference leadership to make whatever changes they might deem necessary to achieve church growth—specifically by concentrating authority with the pastors so they can “lead more effectively” and by abolishing the church board.

“What you may not know is that over the last few months you have been described by the pastoral staff and their supporters both publicly and privately, directly and by insinuation, as being wholly in favor of this change. It has been our understanding that you have not publicly spoken against this because you did not wish to improperly use your influence as a General Conference officer, not because you were in favor of the change. While we respect this concern the unfortunate reality is that by choosing not to actively use your influence you have inadvertently allowed others to use it for their own purposes.

“If we correctly understand your position on this matter, we respectfully submit that the time has come to declare your position publicly either for or against the changes now occurring in the Takoma Park Church. Whether you do so as Secretary of the General Conference, a local elder, or simply as a rank-and-file member, we beg you to make a very clear public declaration of your position on this change in church structure. We suggest that one way to make a public declaration of your position is to call for a meeting of all the officers of the church and state your position to them.”

When the completed letter was delivered to Elder Bediako it carried about two dozen signatures. This was his reply:

“May 28, 2008

“Fellow Members:

“Thank you for your letter. The situation at the Takoma Park Church is very unfortunate and very disturbing. I have not made any public statement to any group because I have not been around to know the details of what has taken place so far.

“I need to let the Church know that my role will be for reconciliation so there could be peace in the Church in order to do the work that has been assigned to us as a Church. I want to appeal to all parties—both the pastoral staff and those who are unhappy about what has happened—to exercise restraint and work together to find a solution.

“Pastor Vernon Parmenter, my Associate Secretary, and one who has been assigned to be responsible for the Church Manual and its application, has already written a letter addressed to the Takoma Park Church, pointing out statements from the Church Manual. This is a document that the whole world Church has voted and it is applied all over the world. As one of your elders, I am in full support of the Church Manual.

“Whatever I can do to bring peace will be the way I will approach the whole situation at the Takoma Park Church.

“Thank you for letting me know exactly what has taken place in the Church.


“Matthew A Bediako
“Executive Secretary
“General Conference of SDA”

Elder Bediako, clearly, is a politician who doesn’t relish sticking his neck out. The third paragraph, however, said all that needed saying regarding his position. He pointed us back to the letter written by Elder Parmenter—which Pastor DeSilva had dismissed as out-of-line, misinformed, and irrelevant—and not only stood behind that letter but declared that his personal support was for the Church Manual, which must be followed.

Next: A Finer Point



Deborah said...

Concerning the response of Elder would seem to me (I do not know this gentleman personally)is approbriate. I realize it seems political...perhaps diplomatic more so.

I am not trying to speak "for this Elder"...I am simply trying to voice my perspective.

The leadership of your church should come clean and repent of this destructive path. Being "diplomatic" hopefully, will create an open door for them to come to terms with what they are engaged in.

By sending all "to the Church Manual" (in my perspective, and again not to speak for your Elder) tells those opposing Growing Healthy Churches they are choosing to not operate outside of God's known will and informs those proponants of GHC, they are operating outside of God's will.
I think it wise to allow God to speak for Himself.(Which at this time is done through the GC sessions.

"Leadership" is not always what we "think" it is. If people who clamor for "position" understood the weight of responsibility verses the drive of the ego (IE...found in the GHC movement)....many would hesitate receiving positions in God's movement without prayer and a sense of God's leading. We will all be held accountable to Christ Himself. This is no light matter.

Thank You for holding your a peace, God is your Champion.

God Keep You All
Deborah Risinger


Thanks for the comments, Deborah.

Your observation that diplomacy can sometimes open doors and change minds is perfectly true, and in calling Elder Bediako a politician we were not meaning it as a slam.

On the other hand, we are writing from a year's worth of perspective on these events, which may well be flavoring our tone a bit. In that year Elder Bediako has had several opportunities to involve himself in the resolution of this conflict, as diplomatically as he pleased, and still be a tremendous help. Some of them he simply didn't show up for; in the rest he was so incredibly timid (or focused on minor issues) as to be ineffective. (These events will also come up in the Epic eventually.) These missed opportunities have left the Group rather frustrated with the well-meaning elder, which is undoubtedly coming through.

Again, thanks for the comment. You've made some excellent observations.

Deborah said...

You are doing the Lord's work....Praise Him for sustaining the faithful members of Takoma Park Church!

The problem facing you came our way two years ago in our area. God helped us pull the plug quite quickly. However, a sister church of ours did not fare so well. The pastor first pit one member against the other...split the church, sold the building, sent many away very discouraged. It is heartbreaking. These people have been disenfranchised...lost what was most precious to them...IE..the Church built over 100 years ago.(the "mother" church to all SDA congregations in our area).

We are facing spiritual warfare in a way we have not faced before.This is only one of many attacks coming our way. What we/you are facing today, will help us face the next attack with more wisdom than we had a couple of years ago. Be of good cheer...

Many of us here in the Tidewater area are following your journey closely.

We are appreciative and are very impressed with how you have presented yourselves. The diary of your experience has been a benefit to the Church as a whole.

Thank You for such a witness....this is a new experience for all of us....yes we will make some mistakes...but, when we are fighting a war with new rules...or those who are leaving their ethics behind...especially...when finding ourselves at odds with our own church can be psychologically unnerving.

Your hardship has become a "gift" to unsuspecting churches...who will benefit by the path your church has plowed........

"All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose." Rom 8:28

God Keep You All,

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting how one person can look at an event or process and see something completely different than another person. That is normal. But to have a blindfold on and declare you saw it firsthand and therefore have accurate knowledge of what transpired is false, and to share the information would fairly be considered lying or purposely misleading people.

This website is sad. I am not sure how anything is getting resolved in a Christ-like manner when it seems necessary for those who want to prove their point to air their grievances for all 10 people to see who have dropped by their blog. If this is how manners are resolved in your church, it leaves no wonder that one or more would declare it unhealthy.

I would encourage you to pray about your strategy, and spend the time you have invested in writing your "epic" on your knees before God seeking to know His will in this matter, and who is in the wrong. Then, if they are in the wrong, go personally, with a desire to win over a brother, to them and seek to understand before you have them to understand you. If you find you are in the wrong, humble yourself before God and then ask forgiveness of those you have wronged. Together much can be accomplished by both parties when they know that each person involved in seeking a win for God, not a win over their brother / enemy.

Lastly, nothing is gained in trashing someone else to prove your own points. It actually tells more about the person doing the trashing then the person they are trashing. Something to consider as you make a claim to be right in all things.


Anonymous friend, we could go into great detail about our efforts to reach our pastors through less drastic means. We did not begin this public rebuke lightly, or without first exhausting all other reasonable means of addressing these problems, much less without considerable prayer and reflection. What we do in writing this blog we do with clear consciences.

We urge you to consider the thoughts presented in "Advice from the Spirit of Prophesy, Pt 15."