Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Epic, Pt. 25

A week and a half after our second letter to Elder Miller we finally received a response:

“June 17, 2008

"Dear [Elder B]:

“I am responding to your letter of May 15, 2008. I appreciate your willingness to want to resolve this issue that you have.

“As I have read through your letter I am not certain the best way to respond. As I have had two “unofficial” discussions with you and a group of 10, the information you chose to highlight in your letter, in my understanding, is inaccurate and misleading.

“What I am aware of is that a biblical protocol has not been followed. I believe the best process to follow are the principles found in Matthew 18.

“I understand that you did take a request to the board of elders, on April 23, to refer this back to the church in Business session. This was denied. The next appropriate step would have been to then contact the conference administration with your dispute, with the full knowledge of the Pastor and board of elders to contact the conference in an official capacity and request a meeting. If the decision then made would not have met your group’s approval it would then be referred to the Executive Committee. After the Executive Committee the manual states:

“Churches should look to the local conference for advice pertaining to the operating of the church or on questions arising from the Church Manual. If mutual understanding or agreement is not reached, the matter should be referred to the union for clarification.” xxii Church Manual 2005 edition.

“We will be glad to work a process as understood in principle by Matthew 18 and as outlined in the Church Manual.

“I appreciate you prayers on this matter. As you are aware the purpose of prayer is to soften hearts to be in tune with God’s agenda, not push personal agendas. God’s agenda clearly stated in the Scriptures and in the church manual is that each individual member will be used by Him to bring lost people to a knowledge of Jesus. If this is your reason for continuing this discussion, this is the right reason.

“If you have any questions feel free to contact Jorge Ramirez, our VP for administration. He will help guide this process.


“William K. Miller

Elder Miller’s accusations would be rebutted in the next letter we sent him so we won’t bother with that task here. See also “If Your Brother Sins Against You, posted 3-20-09, which further rebuts the Matthew 18 accusation.

The arrogant and dismissive nature of this letter notwithstanding, it was useful in one thing: it pointed us to an appearance before the conference’s Executive Committee as the next step in our appeal process. Without this recommendation our efforts might have died here for lack of ideas as to an appropriate next step. The Group took this new goal and ran with it, as will be seen in the subsequent correspondence. (Thanks, Elder Miller, for opening the door!)

Next: Funny Business



Anonymous said...

How you feel the letter was dismissive is beyond me. It does, however, prove what I have always known. We see what we want to see. That being, if you want to be offended, you surely will be. As you clearly are. And believe it or not, your real character came out with your response to Bill Miller in the parentheses.

It is clear it's all about you, and your desire to control the church. What you have claimed your pastor is doing is in fact what you are doing. And along the way you will destroy anyone, or any process that gets in the way.

I would second what the Conference president stated, that being if this process and discussion is fruitful to bring people to Christ, it's the right motive. I cannot judge, but from what I have seen in these writings, your motives have nothing to do with winning people to Jesus, only gaining a victory that satisfies your agenda.

I wonder if you will delete this comment, as you most likely delete all comments that are not "for" you.


No reader comment has ever been deleted from this blog. To achieve that ignominious distinction you will have to resort to profanity or vulgarity.

If you knew everything there is to know about this subject, as you claim, you would know that the goal of the Group is not to achieve control. Far from it, a number of the Group have resigned or refused church office and power rather than be associated with this apostate system of governance.

We could explain our characterization of Elder Miller's letter in great detail, but since you have clearly already made up your mind on the subject and about us in general we won't waste the effort.