Monday, September 28, 2009

The Epic, Pt.29

Elder Miller’s next letter was as insulting as his first. He completely ignored all the questions put to him and maintained his accusations without substantiating them.

“July 14, 2008

“Dear [Elder B]:

“Thank you for your letter and your explanations. You have been tenacious in your analysis. However, as stated before, there are some misunderstandings, inaccuracies, and information that has been used that is misleading.

“We, in the Potomac Conference Administration, are willing, as stated before, to work with the Takoma Park Church in processing through this situation in following the principles of Matthew 18. Therefore, it will be necessary for you, [Elder B] or designee of the disaffected party, to make contact with Jorge Ramirez and work with him and follow an agreed outlined process of Matthew 18.

“Jorge will look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

“A fellow disciple on the journey,

“William K. Miller

Elder Miller was clearly choosing to ignore the fact that the Group had already met with conference administration and was within its rights to proceed to the Executive Committee without further delay. However, the Group decided to go the extra mile and have the additional meeting Elder Miller had indicated was necessary. The Group selected a small spokesgroup to attend this meeting and designated Brother H to call Jorge Ramirez as Elder Miller had specified to arrange it.

Brother H called Elder Ramirez on July 22, 2008 and stated that he would like to arrange a meeting with Elder Ramirez and three members of the spokesgroup, to be held in the Washington area. Elder Ramirez was fine with this and suggested three possible dates for the meeting. They agreed to be in touch a little later to finalize the date.

Next: Changing the Rules


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