Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fairness...But With Honesty, Part 4

The bad thing about giving one's word, either as a Christian or a gentleman, is that you are bound by honor to keep it. Therefore, I will continue to address the comments by Anonymous. He writes, "I think what has happened here, and is clearly evident in your writing, is that you have ceased to find the common ground and are now wanting the higher ground at whatever expense of others is needed. I think this is evident in that you feel it is important to share letters and other insights to others so you can beat up the person who wrote the letters. Is this Christ's way to get a win-win for everyone? I suspect if you stood back and thought and prayed on it you would find out it isn't."

Ahhhhhh, no. As I've questioned in previous posts, how can one achieve a "win-win," between truth and error, honesty and deceit, light and dark. To use your interesting logic, I suppose the win-win between hot and cold in luke warm. So are you now trying to tell me that luke warm is a good thing?

Let me put this another way, what was the win-win for Saul? What was the win-win for Goliath? Judas? Ananias and Sapphira? What's the win-win, for, oh let's see...Satan?!?!? How's that going to work?

Honestly, if our intention was to beat anyone up, we wouldn't bother with posting the documents we've used. These documents were provided by the people who are pushing the Healthy Church Initiative. If they are damning, don't blame us. We weren't the ones who wrote the documents. We're only the messengers. If you don't like what the documents say, or how confused, or self-serving, or duplicitous they might be, take it up with Alan DeSilva and Bill Miller.

If you know as much about Takoma Park and the Potomac Conference as you say you do, I think you will agree that if we really wanted to do something as childish as what you continually seek to accuse of, there is other information, and other documents equally true and more far more personally damning we could present.

For the umpteenth time, we are publishing these documents so that others will have information to make informed decisions should they be asked to go on this journey. Bottom line, it is, what it is.

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