Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fairness...But With Honesty, Part 8

Well, after all this, I just hope I will not be accused of being inattentive to Anonymous, his questions, or his concerns. But what perplexes me is how come he won't answer any of the questions I raise? Forget about fair, I mean, I'm a grown-up, I don't expect fair (or balanced) from the Potomac Conference "leadership." I doubt if anyone else expects it, either. But is ignoring everything that I have asked even right?

Anonymous writes, "I have been an Adventist for 38 years and I love my church and the people in it. Do we have challenges? Yes. Do we need to adjust? Yes. Can we do it together? We have to. May it be the case in your church that it is done in love, and a non-confrontational manner, so that others, who are observing this "fight" and sharpening their swords, will humble themselves as well as you have done, sheathed their swords and dropped to their knees as we all seek common ground to serve and honor our God.

Anonymous I want you to show me one, single, solitary, time, I have used the word, "fight," in relationship to you, Bill Miller, Alan DeSilva, or anyone. I'm not fighting. I don't want to fight. Then again, I don't have to fight. I am completely secure in letting God do whatever fighting that needs to be done...if at all.

Frankly, why do you want to make this about fighting? You are the one using words like "swords" and other terms of violence, not me.

I'll close this out with two simple questions. First, what, if anything on this blog is a lie? And second, to date, is the Takoma Park Church better off today, in any measurable sense, in any spiritual sense, in any practical sense, than it was before all this happened?


Michael said...

Perhaps I have missed it on the blog, but I am still looking for your names(s).


This blog is written under pseudonyms because, unfortunately, we have reason to fear reprisal from the Potomac Conference if they knew our real names. This blog was the brainchild of Liberty, who is also the author of this series of posts on fairness. I am Liberty's primary partner in this endeavor, Religious. Justice also participates, as do others who have not chosen pen names.

Michael said...

I would suggest that every word is irrelevant if you hide behind the names of Religious (which this blog is certainly not mirroring) and Liberty (which is the primary reason you are able to exercise free, if not anonymous, speech. As for Justice, it is clear it's not present as you read through the blog postings which have begun to just drift together.

Deborah said...

Michael, I am an outsider to the Takoma Park church. However, in our area, we (Potomac Churches) have also faced "this" issue. One church (our sister church) "trusted" their leadership (also our leadership) and they have now been destroyed. Our congregation stood up and survived. It is a sad, painful story. The aggressor "walked away" and left one church broken and in great pain.....

Getting to your question of names....I have disclosed my name (Deborah)...I am assuming, your question "for names", is also toward "Anonymous." That was not said, but I want to give the benefit of the doubt.

This is not just a Seventh-Day Adventist problem. The GHC movement has tried to infiltrate Christian Churches all over this country. The reports are all over the internet. My dear friend was a nun for ten years (Catholic, of course), still in the Catholic Church...she has seen this same movement come into her church.

This is not really a "private" problem,(referring to it being an open blog). Although, I wish it was, as I am sure you are.
Anonymous also would like it to be (IE...as was in one of his/her posts).

I am sure if the Apostle Paul were here, engaging the Jews as he did in Act 22 in full view of the Romans he would also be criticized...but... he engaged openly the argument of the day because of its' importance.

In respect...the "aggressors" set the rules of engagement. Why not ask those who are trying to change the structure of the SDA Church "why" they are deviating from God's design? Perhaps you have...I am not trying to be accusatory, forgive me if I am sounding that way. I am simply trying to ask a question.

When people are "put" on the defensive....why not allow them to defend themselves. Again, the accussor sets the rules of engagement.

I think it is fair to say...we are all sorry this is happening...."but" to let this evil "run free".....to let it do it's destruction, is a greater evil.

God Help Us All,

Anonymous said...

Regarding Michael's post. I totally understand the need to hide behind pseudonyms. Stories that use these are used all the time to teach through a real experience while protecting the individual. God forbid that we should have to live in a fishbowl like so many celebrities.

And regarding the posts<<< "which have begun to just drifttogether.">>> Not for me and I've read every one. I see Religious and Liberty as being very thorough in giving fair explanations. If they have erred they have erred in giving more latitude to those who would destroy the Adventist Church if allowed. -k

Michael said...

Deborah, thank you for your comment. You state you had similar problems. Similar toTakoma Park? What do you mean "the aggressor walked away"? I am trying to really understand both positions and what the real issues are.

As for a church trusting the leadership, did the entire church board make the decisions (whatever those decision were, and making broad assumption it's like Takoma Park) or did the pastor make a decision as it is implied in the blog that Pastor DeSilva did at Takoma Park?

How have you and your church handled the situation?

Michael said...

Deborah, one other question... Red flags went up in my head when you stated the sister church "has been destroyed." What do you mean? What happened? Does the church still exist? Did they close? Is the pastor still there?

Destroyed is a dynamic word to use for a church, and in mind it worries me.

Deborah said...

Micheal...if I may refer you to my post on sept 8th....I believe it will answer your questions.

Thank You for your kindness. This was tramatic...alot of confusion...an all out assault on the church.

God Keep Us Faithful,

Michael said...

Even though you have not given your names, I think you have told us more about yourselves than your names ever could.

If I were to guess who you are, I would say these are the following characteristics of Liberty, Religious and Justice.

1. Life-long Adventists. Those are the ones most entrenched and therefore resistance to change.

2. Legalistic. Following a system of rules is important to you, which probably explains why you have a leather-bound Church Manual in your Bible case.

3. You know of God, but don't know Him personally. It may not sound like a big difference, but it's a chasm an eternity apart.

4. You enjoy tearing other people down, pointing out faults. Whenever Anonymous, or anyone else for that matter, brings up points in a reflective way, you nitpick and look for your advantage.

5. You're never wrong, or wouldn't admit if you were. Refer back to 4.

6. You probably don't hold positions of leadership in the Takoma Park Church, because then you would actually have to bear responsibility. Easier to complain and point fingers then to get involved.

7. Most likely 35 or older, High School education and mediocre jobs. You know how to use the Internet, but your critical thinking skills lack, which wouldn't be the case if you had graduated from college. To much free time on your hands to have reasonable jobs.

So perhaps you don't want to give your names, but you represent the right-wing, legalistic, finger-pointing, uneducated, and Bible-thumping group of the SDA Church. Which is sad, because when it's all done, you'll have missed out on the most important thing of all; eternity.

Deborah said...

Michael...how sad. I am sorry for you. Your post....is disappointing.

God Help Us All