Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fairness...But With Honesty, Part 7

Okay. Time for the "Seventh Inning Stretch."

Now, back to the next paragraph by "Anonymous, "The answer to knowing whether or not you have begun to harden your heart to reconciling truth and relationships with those you are writing against is your willingness to love them in spite of where you believe they are wrong. Would you wash their feet? Would you pray with and for them? Would you be willing to admit where you are wrong if they came to you to admit they were wrong? Would you humbly sit down and seek to reach the common ground that "wins a brother" (Matthew 18) or do you desire a win that satisfies your view, even at the expense of someone else experiencing a loss..."

Continuing to say, or even suggesting, that anyone who posts on this blog has any personal animus against any pastor, any conference official, or anyone for that matter, is patently false, and purposely misleading. It's a tactic to draw attention away form the real issues at hand. That issue is simply showing people the Healthy Church Initiative back story, using the letters, statements, charts, and other documents, developed and proffered by the Initiative proponents themselves. This way when the HCI comes a calling, people will be better prepared to make a decision on whether to accept or reject this deviation from the SDA faith.

You suggest that what we "desire [is] a win that satisfies [our] view, even at the expense of someone else experiencing a loss..." You really don't get it, do you? Don't you see there is nothing for us to win personally? Unlike those who took money to push this plan on unsuspecting SDA Churches, we aren't getting paid to do this. We do this because every SDA Church that has tried the "Growing Healthy Churches," or the "Healthy Church Initiative," or "Team One," or any aliases this nefarious plan works under has failed. If I am wrong, you have had an ample opportunity to show me a church, or churches, or conferences, or unions, or divisions in which it has worked. You haven't. I don't think you can. Instead, you want to make this about us trying to cause someone a "loss." Would that life were that simple...or simplistic?

I take personal responsibility for this blog as it's founder. If you can prove anything, anything at all, that is wrong, or false, or untrue, I will be happy to apologize, admit my bad act, and ask for forgiveness. You see as far as I am concerned, there is only one side I am worried about. That's God's side. So here I stand. If I am wrong, prove it. But if not, Anonymous, I think you really have some thinking, some research, and soul searching to do.

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