Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fairness...But With Honesty, Part 5

The next paragraph Anonymous writes is, "Let me be clear. I harbor no ill-will or grudges against you for your blog. I only wish for all our churches in the world to be focused on God, focused on humanity, and seeking to reconcile the two together quickly so we can spend eternity with all. Trying to work together is better than battling apart. I feel this blog is a very abrupt way of sharing YOUR view, not the whole view. For it has been said, and proven often, there is your version of the truth, their version of the truth, and the cold hard truth in the middle. I suspect it holds true in this case as well, and I hope you will rethink where the truth is in this case."

You keep saying we are sharing our own view. Once again if we were that dishonest, we would simply say the Healthy Church Initiative is bad without providing anything to back up those claims.

This accusation is a sad distraction. It's especially sad because it fails to deal with the actual content of the documents. It ignores what has actually happened, not just in Takoma Park, not just in the Potomac Conference, but in every Adventist Church this pathetic plan has been tried, and failed.

Man, oh man, talk about one sided! At least we open our blog so that people like you can have a say. If you know as much about the "situation at Takoma Park and the Potomac Conference" as you say you do, you can't say the reverse has been true.

How many times do I need to say this is the reason we are publishing the actual documents, written and published by your guys? The kind of relativism you speak of falls by the wayside, when you publish actual documentation. I could be wrong, you could be wrong, but the documentation is there for everyone to see. And that's you real problem, isn't it? With the actual writings of Alan DeSilva and Bill Miller out there in cyber-space, you've go no where to run, and no where to hide. That's why we have Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press in America. Put information out there, unfiltered, and let people make up their own minds.

Bottom line, if anything we have published is false, prove it. If you can't, then what are we talking about?

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